- If you don't have Login account, Please register here.
- Login Here
- Browse the books by group and categories or "All Books"
- in the list, click the thumbnail of the book
- input the qty you need and click "Booking". A list of your booking orders will show. You can continu booking or checkout.
- While checkout, you need to input Location to send and Class for this booking order
- You can further input comment or extra notes, so that Administrator will get more information from you
- An email will send to you and Administrator. Please keep this email for further reference.
- Your booking order will only confirm (alos the availbale of items) until you complete the Checkpout process.
- However, you can logout even you did not complete the checkout. You requested booklist are still kept in the system and wait for your next login.
- After submittion, the administrator will work on your request, to pack, delivery, and send to your requested location.
- You cannot cancel the booking yourself after the [Checkout] process. To cancel a submitted booking, You must call/email administrator. Adminsitrator will work on it with return email.
- You would receive email for any change of order status. So please keep checking you emailbox and order ref.no.
- You have important obligation to return all the books on time. (Please check the date of return on your confirm email of order).
- Notation :
[D] - Detail; [A] - Author; [P] - Publisher; [V] - Voicing; [O] - Order Date; [R] - Return Date